There’s no argument that springs are everywhere; they play a major role in many items we use on an everyday basis – from our cars to prosthetic limbs.

But while we may use the modest mechanism more than you think, have you ever stopped to consider how compression springs are made?

As spring manufacturers, we’re quite well placed to answer this query, so sit back, relax, and read all about the process.

how are springs made

The Materials

Springs are generally used of hardened steel, and spring manufacturers do have the option to either use pre-hardened steel or to harden the steel in their own process.

The most commonly used materials include stainless steel, chrome silicon, chrome vanadium, music wire and oil tempered wire; all of which are ideal for several spring projects.

However, other materials can be used, such as plastic. It all depends on what the purpose of a spring is for the material required to be determined.

The Design Process

While it’s interesting to find out the scientific process of spring making, it’s equally important to remember that various mathematical equations and processes are used to design the spring needed.

Factors such as wire composition, size, diameter, the number of coils needed, force and its application all need to be considered in minute detail.


The process of creating a spring begins with coiling. This can be done with either a heated or cold wire but the metal needs flexibility to be shaped.

Cold winding starts with a wire at room temperature and involves winding the wire around a shaft. Hot winding is more often used for wire that is thicker. The metal is heated beforehand which increases the flexibility. It is then coiled around a shaft while still piping hot.

After the wire has been coiled it is immediately taken off the shaft or mandrel so it can cool and harden to its new form rapidly.


Whether the material has been coiled hot or cold, stress is created for the material. Heat effects the strength, so to relieve this the spring must be tempered by heat treating.

The spring is heated in an oven and held at the appropriate temperature for a specific time and then placed aside to cool down.

An example of this is a spring made from music wire; it should be heated at 260 degrees Celsius for one hour.

how are springs made from European springs

Finishing Steps

Before a spring can be used, there are usually five more steps to go through before being placed in an application.

1. Grinding. If the design needs flat ends, then these need to be ground. The spring will be mounted to a jig and held against a rotating wheel until the desired flatness is achieved. An appropriate fluid will be used to cool the spring.

2. Shot Peening. This process helps to resist any fatigue or cracking. The entire spring is exposed to many tiny steel balls that hammer it smooth and compress the material below the surface.

3. Setting. The spring will be fully compressed so that all the coils touch each other. This fixes the length and pitch firmly. Some spring manufacturers will even repeat this process several times.

4. Coating. This protects corrosion. The spring is protected by painting, plating it with a further metal, or even goes through mechanical plating. There is also an alternative process of electroplating.

5. Quality Control

Of course, this is not the end of the process for spring manufacturers, such as European Springs Ireland. The spring goes through various testing devices and quality control steps to ensure the highest of quality.

Through using specific materials and extremely advanced manufacturing processes, all our springs are uniformly strong and of a high quality. We manufacturer a variety of springs – from disc springs and die springs to clock springs and torsion springs and many more.

Get in touch today to find out more about our processes and services.

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With the turn of the new year, predictions for the year ahead are a handy way to try and optimise for any changes which could impact your business.

In 2017 the manufacturing industry was affected in many ways. Brexit impacted the global manufacturing market, with companies seeking new markets and new products.

We saw an increase in reliable robotics, AI, and other technological advances.

Blue glowing future technology

This leads us to the question of what is in store for 2018.

In the ever-changing, fast-paced market that is manufacturing, here at European Springs Ireland we like to keep up to date with any new exciting methods within the industry so that we can pass these efficient changes on to our customers.

Here are our predictions for the year ahead.

Positive Predictions

  1. New Technologies

The technological world is constantly developing, with companies racing to create the newest technology the fastest, every day.

Predictions include a greater reliance on robotics, as the manufacturing industry moves to implement the growing technology in the production line.

This will impact productivity, as well as streamline a whole host of processes that certain companies struggle with on a day to day basis.

3D Printing Technology Car

In addition to this, other innovative technologies, such as 3D printing, will become more prominent in mass scale production. Certainly, something to look forward too.

  1. Expanding Workforce

Another new year, another release of graduates into the manufacturing market.

The volume of new, creative thinkers encourages change and motivates existing workforces, and as new ideas are brought to the table, there is the potential of manufacturing methods evolving and improving.

  1. Continuation of Healthy Business Prospects

2017 was a very good year for business. According to a Bloomberg report, 2017 was the best year for manufacturing since 2004.

This invites a continuation of development throughout the industry, and hopefully indicates a maintaining of this development or even a further surge in business.

  1. New Business Opportunities

Similar to the idea of a new expanding workforce each year, with the prospect of a new year, we can look forward to a potential abundant year full of new business opportunities.

With companies in Britain, in particular, looking to focus on manufacturing from within the country to cut costs, the possibility of new business opportunities are thriving.

  1. Improving Economic Relationships

As the fear of Brexit subsides, companies are beginning to recognise and focus on the positive changes that the new government initiative sets to implement.

Greater negotiations, communications and relationships between businesses, across continents, are set to encourage business trends, especially in the manufacturing world.

Alternatively, for manufacturing facilities in the UK, such as ours in London and Cornwall, the economy looks set to get stronger, meaning greater business prospects long term, and a more stable market.

2018 looks to be an incredibly exciting time for the world of manufacturing.

By opting to supply your company’s springs and pressings from European Springs Ireland, you can rest assured that our expert team are constantly hard at work, searching for the next advances and concepts within the manufacturing industry that we can pass on directly to you.

Contact us today to see what we can do for your business.

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What are Torsion Springs?

Torsion springs are a variety of springs that are twisted in a helical fashion. This means that when pressure is applied to the spring it exerts a force called torque in the opposite direction. This mechanism is widely used in products such as clothes pins for example. When you apply pressure to the pin it then exerts torque when released until it is closed, holding the clothes in place.

Another variation of the torsion spring is the torsion bar. This is a straight bar that can be rotated about its axis. These are made of steel and are used generally in heavy duty vehicles as suspension.

torsion spring

Main Uses for Torsion Springs

Torsion Springs have a variety of uses as their impressive rotational energy allows for a transferrable mechanism that can be integrated into many different products.

Firstly, they are commonly used in large vehicles such as trucks, SUVs, or vehicles that generally transport a lot of weight. This is so that the manufacturers can easily change the torsion bars. They do this to change the ride height or compensate for engine weight.

An advantage of torsion springs in vehicles is the durability of the torsion bar as its mass allows it to handle a lot of stress. This is demonstrated by its use in many military vehicles, such as the M1 Abrams tank which has stood the test of time since its development in 1979.

Another popular use for torsion springs is their application within garage doors. The springs are tightly wound around a metal shaft that is connected to a cable drum when the garage door is opened. The tension is released and it spins the shaft, turning the cable drums by wrapping around the drums and raising the door.

When the garage door is closed it winds the torsion spring back around the metal shaft and restores the tension. These springs generally last for around 30,000 cycles; a full cycle consists of both the opening and closing of the garage door.

Torsion springs are also used in the hinges of many doors as it allows them to close after being opened without electronic technology. In theory, it is quite a simple design; the torsion spring is attached to a hinge with one side connected to the stationary plate on the wall and the other side connected to the moving plate on the door.

This means that when the door is opened the pressure applies tension to the torsion spring and once the door is released the rotational energy moves the door back into place.

Their Design

The spring designer must take into consideration how much tension their springs need to undertake to know just how large they need to be. For example, when put under pressure the springs coil diameter will reduce and the length with increase. This means that the metal wire they use needs to be able to bend but return to it’s original shape with ease and have a decent durability which will require little replacement.

As torsion spring manufacturers, we are experts at producing torsion springs to suit your requirements. For more information on our services and products here at European Springs Ireland, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our expert team here.

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The output of the UK manufacturing is expanding at the most rapid rate since 2008. The industry also recorded a seventh consecutive month of growth in November. In ten years, the UK manufacturing sector has never seen so much growth. It looks like 2018 is going to be a wonderful year, not just for the entire manufacturing industry, but for the sectors inside, such as gas spring manufacturers like ourselves.  So, why is the figure so, and how did we get there?

Car production

Output Figures

Renewable energy projects, boats, cars and aeroplanes for export helped to increase the output 3.9% higher in just three months. In fact, the official figures show that the entire industrial output rose by 0.4% in November.

Output from construction also fell by 2% compared with previous months, however, that was the industry’s biggest fall since August 2012. The main positive for this sector is the 1.2% increase in new housing.

November 2017 was estimated to have a total production increase of 0.4 % in comparison to October with an expectation of the majority of this coming from energy supply. While this was originally the prediction, this increased by 3.2% due to the change in temperatures. This was because the temperature was warmer than average in October and colder than average in November, which meant an obvious effect on production and supply.

Economic Growth

While there are positives and some negatives in the statistics, one main figure to focus on is the growth of the economy as a whole. This has slowed down within the first nine months of 2017, with higher inflation caused by the fall in sterling. This was of course due to the Brexit referendum. However, it is important to note that the UK economy did grow by 0.4% in the three months to September.

While the figures are looking great, it is also vital to point out that UK manufacturing makes up only 10% of the economy. While an important section, it is a small one.

Riding on Trends

One could say that British manufacturing depends on two trends; global growth and currency.

While, as mentioned, the value of sterling has fallen following Brexit, this circumstance has made UK exports much more competitive.

For the first time since the middle of the financial crisis, the 3 main engines of global growth – USA, China and Europe, are all performing strongly. This has led to further exports which are contributing to narrowing the trade deficit.

While there is a clear divide in value between what we import and export, the entire economic picture seems subdued. However, assisted by a positive outlook in the British manufacturing sector, we have not seen such quarterly optimism since way back in April 2008, and furthermore, we are enjoying a solid run of growth since 1997.

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Lee Hopley, chief economist at The Manufacturers’ organisation EEF has said:

UK manufacturers were, in the main, in good shape as 2017 came to a close, with the majority of sub-sectors enjoying growth. Manufacturers’ expectations for the year ahead point to output and export growth being maintained through this year on the back of continuing support from a burgeoning global economy. This, together with an ongoing commitment from government to deliver on its industrial strategy, will be crucial in helping to propel the sector forward

While looking ahead, Brexit uncertainty is likely to continue affecting these figures, the UK Manufacturing sector can only be optimistic following from these numbers.

European Springs Ireland are looking forward to what the world of springs will be doing as the year continues and how the growth of Manufacturing can help all the sectors grow equally.

If you would like any information on how our services can help your business grow, we would love to discuss. Simply get in touch with our expert team.

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We come into contact with springs far more in our everyday lives than you may realise. Springs are in everything and they help mechanical processes in every occupation. In a car, for example, there are numerous springs that work together with other mechanical systems to keep you safe and comfortable on the road.

In some cases, there will even be a number of different spring systems working together for greater comfort. Here, we explore how springs work in your car.

A close-up of a car

Suspension System

The most obvious use for springs in your car is the suspension system. There is a wide range of different types of spring that make up suspension systems and spring manufacturers can make them bespoke for custom vehicles too. In older vehicles leaf springs were common. These work through the use of multiple layers of curved metal.

These layers compact together and straighten out to offer suspension. In more modern vehicles you are likely to find coil springs. These coils compress to absorb the impact and then bounce back and offer a smoother transition.

Dual Spring Suspension Systems 

In modern cars, you may find that your suspension system is made up of both coil and leaf spring systems. Leaf springs are best for absorbing violent shocks, but coil springs offer a greater range of suspension movement. When combined, these systems can offer you a much greater level of comfort as they work together to create a smoother ride.

Both systems will work together, but the leaf springs will absorb most of the big impact when you hit a pothole or go over a bump. The coil spring will add a slower and softer dimension into the suspension to ease you over the bumps.

Steering System

Clock springs are used in car steering systems to maintain electrical connections. When you have lots of moving parts, as in a steering wheel, it can be difficult to maintain electrical connections without wires deteriorating and breaking.

The clock spring works to create an electrical conduction between the wheel and the steering column, keeping electric features like horns and airbags working as you turn. They are designed to provide torsion as they rotate in circular movements and look like a loose coil, which tightens or loosens as you turn.


Brake System

Springs are essential in the working of drum brakes and are responsible for releasing the brake once it has been applied. When you press your foot on the brake, it causes the brake shoe to push down on the drum, stopping it from rotating. The return spring then pulls the brake shoe back into its original position so that you can continue on your journey.

Without these springs car travel as we know it would not be possible. These tasks are best served by springs and they continue to offer the best solution to age-old problems in mechanical systems.

If you’re looking for reliable motor spring manufacturers, European Springs Ireland is the go-to source. Our expertise in precision engineering and high-quality manufacturing make us the top choice in the industry. For more information on motor springs and how they can benefit your applications, contact us at European Springs Ireland today and we will be happy to help.


Updated in June 2024

A space shuttle flying in space

Constant-force springs are a particular spring type characterised by the remarkable ability to provide a steady and stable force throughout their range of motion. Thanks to this capability, they emerge as the perfect choice for uses that need a smooth return and retrieval, such as counterbalance, tensioning, and loading applications; this makes them especially valuable in the automotive and medical industries, for instance.

However, these springs are major players in another sector that has been gaining particular traction over the past few years, especially in Ireland: the space industry. Here, constant-force springs are employed to allow for the apt management of force changes within the atmosphere and in several other important applications. In this blog, we will use our expertise as spring manufacturers to delve into how the space industry relies on these springs to boost space missions and enhance key equipment.

A close-up of a constant-force spring

The Key Features of Constant-Force Springs

Constant-force springs boast an outstanding ability to deliver a consistent and stable force throughout their range of motion thanks to their specific design: a pre-stressed flat strip of spring material, typically stainless steel, wound tightly into a coil or on a drum. Unlike traditional springs that follow Hooke’s Law, where the force is proportional to the displacement, constant-force springs maintain their force regardless of their extension length. Because of this, they offer several advantages; let’s see the main ones.

  • They deliver high force output while occupying very small space, making them ideal in compact design situations, such as in the complex spring mechanisms in aerospace engineering.
  • Their long linear reach comes with minimal force build-up.
  • They can store a great amount of energy indefinitely when fully extended, providing long-term performance.

The load capacity of constant-force springs can vary through different configurations, including cavity mounts, multiple spring mounts, and various sizes and designs. What’s more, their resilience and durability under harsh conditions, including extreme temperatures and vacuums encountered in space, make them suitable for the most demanding applications, like those required aboard a space shuttle.

A satellite in space above earth

Why Are Constant-Force Springs Used In Space?

Constant-force springs are successfully employed in the space industry because they can defy Hooke’s Law (as mentioned above) by maintaining a consistent force throughout their range of motion, which makes them particularly valuable for space applications. As they provide perpetual force regardless of extension length or speed, they are excellent in both static and dynamic applications in situations where gravitational forces differ significantly from those on Earth. Let’s delve into some of the most demanding and specific space-related employments.

Elevating Satellite Deployment Mechanisms

Satellite deployment mechanisms are one of those applications in the space sector where constant-force springs excel, as they provide the exceptional precision and reliability the operation requires. When satellites are launched into space, they are compactly stored to fit within the limited confines of the launch vehicle. To begin their mission, once they reach orbit, they need to deploy their solar panels, antennas, and other key equipment accurately. Here, constant-force springs are essential to make this deployment happen smoothly, minimising the risk of mechanical failure and improving the efficiency of satellite operations.

Additionally, spacecraft engineers know how important it is to reduce the weight and volume of onboard components, and they constantly strive to optimise payload capacity and launch costs. Satellite deployment demands high force output but in extremely limited space, so constant-force springs are the best choice to provide the necessary force without occupying significant space. This space-saving characteristic allows for the incorporation of more advanced technology in the satellite design, boosting the overall mission capabilities.

Astronauts in space with solar panels

Enhancing Astronaut Equipment and Mobility

It is no secret that space is inhospitable, and astronauts require specialised equipment to perform their tasks safely, which constant-force springs enhance in terms of functionality and reliability. For instance, in spacesuits, these springs can be integrated into joints and mobility aids to facilitate smooth and controlled movements so that astronauts can move with agility, reduce fatigue, and lower the risk of injury during extended missions.

The weight of such equipment is also critical in these missions; every additional kilogram translates to higher launch costs. Whether in the tensioning systems of space tools or the retractable components of mobility aids, constant-force springs are exceptionally lightweight and efficient, making them ideal for astronaut gear.

Optimising Tensioning Systems in Spacecraft

Tensioning systems are vital for maintaining the integrity of spacecraft structures and ensuring their performance. Designed to withstand a range of harsh environmental factors, from the vacuum of space to the intense heat of re-entry, constant force springs are central to providing essential tension to hold components in place. For example, in assembling larger structures like space stations or modular spacecraft, these springs are fantastic at keeping cables and structural members securely fastened despite dynamic space conditions, guaranteeing better longevity in space missions.

Precision in Solar Panel and Antenna Positioning

Satellites and spacecraft heavily rely on solar panels and antennas, which, once positioned precisely, provide power and communication capabilities. Here, constant-force springs are employed to supply the necessary force to position these components accurately, guaranteeing that solar panels capture as much sunlight as possible to allow for energy generation and that antennas maintain optimal orientation for communication.

A space shuttle taking off

Let Your Space Project Take Off with European Springs IE

At European Springs & Pressings IE, we specialise in designing and manufacturing high-quality constant-force springs tailored to the unique demands of the aerospace industry. Our premium quality springs are precisely engineered to meet the most demanding requirements of space applications to achieve the utmost reliability, precision, and performance. With our bespoke approach, we offer exceptional solutions that help you achieve your mission objectives with confidence.

Whether you are developing satellite deployment mechanisms, astronaut equipment, or solar panel systems, our constant-force springs will not disappoint you. Browse our stock catalogue and contact us to learn how, as leading constant force spring manufacturers, we can help the space sector take off with innovative spring solutions that propel your projects to new heights.


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