He may be well known for his politically incorrect gaffes, but Prince Philip has played some pretty important roles over the years, and we have to say, we’re quite flattered by his recent comments about engineers.

Speaking on the Radio 4 Today programme, the Duke of Edinburgh spoke about the importance of engineers, saying it’s hard to imagine life without them.

He speaks from a position of some authority – he’s actually been involved in engineering since he was a young cadet, carrying out basic engineering tasks as part of his duties, and is today a Senior Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering – an institution he helped to create.

In the Radio 4 interview with Lord Browne of Madingley – another Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering – the Duke of Edinburgh spoke about the problems the UK faced following the Second World War. The conflict caused serious damage throughout the country, with the Blitz affecting cities from Portsmouth to Glasgow, with knock-on effects to the infrastructure of the country. Combined with the cost of the war itself, the country was, in the Duke’s words, “completely skint. It seemed to me that the only way we were going to recover was through engineering”.

Over the following years, he used his influence to catalyse the formation of an academy for engineers as a way of integrating different engineering disciplines, identifying excellence in engineering and promoting the industry. Prior to the Academy’s formation in 1976, the Royal Society – the UK’s academy of sciences – had included engineers within its purview, but it was increasingly recognised that they needed a separate institution and today the two academies work side by side.

One of the interesting points that Prince Philip raised was that, despite the patently obvious importance of engineering to modern life, there is still no Nobel prize for engineering – an oversight he noted as “curious”. However, in recent years steps have been made to address this lack, with the introduction of the bi-annually awarded Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, first awarded in 2013 to the five engineers who are credited with the creation of the Internet and the World Wide Web.

The work of the Royal Academy of Engineering, supporting engineers, helping to encourage interest in the subject and bring young people into the industry, is certainly invaluable. As tension spring manufacturers, we depend on a continued support for engineering and manufacturing, and in turn support other manufacturers with our components, and it’s nice to see royal recognition for our industry!

If you’d like more information on the work we do here, or if you’re in need of components for your latest engineering project, get in touch with us on 028 9083 8605. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

It seems like everyone’s been going a bit space mad over the past few months. With the first official UK astronaut heading into space to work on the International Space Station, to the moon themed John Lewis Christmas advert, space seems to be at the forefront of everyone’s mind right now.

Things are set to look even more space-y in the near future thanks to the revelation that the European Space Agency (ESA) wants to construct a village on the moon by 2030!

A Chance to Further Human Space Exploration

Back in December, the ESA confirmed that they were looking into making their moon village idea a reality at a conference in the Netherlands. During the aptly named “International Symposium on Moon 2020-2030 – A New Era of Coordinated Human and Robotic Exploration” conference, the ESA put forward their proposed vision of how the moon village would possibly look.

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The initial idea details how the village would be created by sending a cylincrical object to space which contains a dome structure which will self inflate on coming into contact with the surface of the moon. One inflated, the dome becomes the main, central structure of the village and will be reinforced by collecting lunar soil, which is already on the moon, and using it to 3D print a shell around the habitat with the help of robots on the moon’s surface.

This shell will protect astronauts from harmful background radiation, as well as create a sturdy outer wall to keep the structure rigid.

“A Comeback to the Moon”

European space planners are pushing for more human missions to the moon, starting as early as 2020. These missions will allow space experts to determine how successful the village would be, as well as to put robots on the surface to make way for human presence.

Kathy Laurini of NASA is the co-chair for the Exploration Roadmap Working Group for the Global Exploration Roadmap attended the conference and told Space.com that she was confident in the plans for a lunar village.

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“The ESA space-exploration strategy sets the moon as a priority destination for humans on the way to Mars, and the recent talk of a ‘Moon Village’ certainly has generated a lot of positive energy in Europe … [of] Europe playing a role in a global human exploration scenario,”

She went on to say that lunar space missions to the moon will “only be possible with European investment in related technologies and capabilities.”

Here at European Springs Ireland, we can’t wait to see how successful this endeavor becomes- who knows, we could be the leading compression spring manufacturers on the moon by 2030!

However, if you are in need of a specific spring, pressing or wireform while we’re all still here on earth, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our fantastic team today by giving us a call on 028 9083 8605 or heading over to our social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and we will be happy to help you!


We’re well and truly in the midst of the festive season now, so it seems only right that we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year! As the end of the year approaches, we’ve been thinking a lot about what 2015 meant to European Springs IE, and we hope that your year has been just as fantastic as ours.

This year has seen us embarking on brand new projects, creating new springs and pressings, and continuing to help make your innovations a reality with the latest technology. Alongside this, we’ve continuously updated our blog with news from the engineering sector, and we hope has been interesting and informative for you.

Christmas Business

We have even more fantastic content and updates planned for 2016, so make sure that you keep checking back throughout the New Year to keep up to date with the industry and learn all about some of the most fascinating news from Ireland, the world, and even further afield than that!

Here are some of our biggest updates from the past year, so enjoy sifting through the big engineering stories of 2015!

So whatever your plans are for the year ahead, whether you’re looking to embark on a career in engineering or have an invention that needs springs to become a reality, make sure you keep an eye on our blog to see what news and updates we will be serving up for another 12 months.

Young female office workers in santa hat

We hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

If you’d like to work with us in 2016, or learn more about our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us by calling 028 9083 8605. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to keep up with our latest news throughout the New Year!

You’ve probably been hearing quite a lot about the UK astronaut Tim Peake over the last few weeks, and rightly so!

Unless you have been living a life away from any form of media for a while –and let’s face it, in today’s society, that’s pretty difficult, you will have heard about how Tim’s journey into space is a great feat for the future of British space exploration and that despite not seemingly like it, Britain is still heavily involved in space related science and engineering!

So why is his journey exciting so many people in the science and engineering industry? As engineering and science enthusiasts, we decided to take a look at the momentous space launch in more detail!

Who Is Tim Peake and Why Is He Important?

Although there have been many “British” astronauts taking to the skies in the name of space travel and exploration, many of them either had a dual nationality or a US citizenship or were privately funded, meaning that they were never officially representing the UK during their trip.

Space Shuttle Orbiting Earth.

As of 2012, however, the UK Government decided to fund the European Space Agency’s International Space Station (ISS) operations, meaning that Peake would be the first official UK astronaut to have been funded by the UK Government.

This support signifies the first time in 30 years that the UK Government has shown support for manned space mission with a contribution of £16 million to the operation of the ISS.

What Is the Purpose of His Mission?

So why is Tim jetting off into space? What does his mission entail?

Astronaut in outer space

His six-month stint in space will see him conduct a wide range of experiments and activities which are geared towards encouraging more young people to get involved with science. Not much has been discussed about what these experiments and activities will entail, but we can safely say that we are excited to find out more!

So, not only is this space mission important for Britain with regards to the stance on manned space travel, but it is becoming a focal point in trying to get more young people involved and invested in science, technology, engineering and maths related subjects and industries as well.

Oh, and for all you wondering about the most important question of this whole mission? How will they ever live for six whole months without seeing the new Star Wars movie? Well…

We think he’s probably got the best seat in the world to watch it!

We can’t wait to find out how Tim does in space- only 6 months to go until we find out!

If you are looking for a durable spring or pressing, then you don’t have to wait for us to come back from space to help you out! As leading spring clip manufacturers, we have a wide range of springs and pressing related products and services available to help you!

Contact our team today on 028 9083 8605 and have a chat with a member of our team who will be happy to help you. Also make sure that you are following us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ for all our latest news and updates.

Here at European Springs Ireland, we love hearing about young people getting into engineering. After all, we do need the next generation to take up the torch and continue to produce some of the most integral engineering processes in the world –even our very own clock springs!

You can imagine how delighted we were when we came across the news that more people in the UK would encourage young people to become an engineer than be a doctor, accountant or a banker.

Although all these positions are integral in our society, we can’t help but be a little bit elated that engineering topped the list!

An Encouraging Outcome

These exciting results have been released as a result of a poll carried out by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, who asked a cross section of 1000 UK residents what career choices they would encourage young people to get into. They were given a choice between four options and were asked to choose the career that they would be most likely to encourage.

Of those 1000 people, 86% said that they would encourage a young person to become an engineer, with doctor coming in a close second at 80%.

The engineering industry has had so much pressure on it over the past few years to encourage more young people to join the sector, so these results are incredibly encouraging and it’s great to see that the general public are realising the importance of the future of engineering.

New Research Predicted

This poll was conducted ahead of new research which is being undertaken by the Institute looking at how more people can be encouraged to pursue STEM careers.

The research, named Big Ideas in Engineering Education, aims to determine what exactly needs to be done in the education system to make engineering a more popular career choice amongst young people, and more importantly a balance between boys and girls  when it comes to fostering the interest.


Peter Finegold is the head of education and skills at the Institute and has commented on the results of the poll, as well as discussing how the education system needs to encourage more interest in STEM careers.

“The results of this poll are both encouraging and surprising.We face a shortfall of 30,000 qualified engineers every year coming through our education system.This result suggests however that basic demand is there and that the public already has some understanding of the extraordinarily diverse and valuable careers available in engineering.”

“Much more needs to be done to ensure we get the growth in UK engineers this country needs, through better careers advice, establishing better links between schools and local employers, and a fundamental rethink in the education system to boost Science Engineering Technology and Maths (STEM) education in schools.”

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We couldn’t agree more, and we can’t wait to see how the education system responds to this demand for more focus on STEM subjects and careers!

Engineering is a huge part of our process here at European Springs Ireland, and it is what allows us to make some of the best quality spring products available. If you would like to take advantage of our fantastic engineering experience, don’t hesitate to contact us and have a chat with our expert team today. Call us on 028 9083 8605 and a member of our team will be happy to help or hope on over to our Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages to keep in the loop with all our latest news and updates!

With the rising popularity of robots and robotic engineering, the UK is set to hold their first ever Robotics Week in mid 2016, aiming to attract and inspire the next generation of engineers to get involved through a series of events and competitions.

As avid fans of the engineering industry, we’ve decided to take a look at what the introduction of this robotic-themed week means for engineering, and find out how they are aiming to target the young people of today.

The Future of Robotics

We’ve already started to see the demand for more robotic technology and it is expected that that demand will rise even further by the year 2020, with predictions of the service and industrial robot markets reaching $49.5 billion in just 5 years time.


Many industries are expected to start relying on their robotic counterparts to carry out complex tasks in a shorter amount of time, making their industries much more productive, as well as helping to produce more innovative inventions and designs.

The Inaugural Robotics Week

The creation of this celebratory week of robotics has been backed by some of the largest names in science and engineering.

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers have all pledged backing of the event, hoping that more young people are inspired and compelled to take up a career in such a competitive yet satisfying industry.

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Professor Dame Ann Dowling, the president of the Royal Academy of Engineering has stated that “The UK needs to recruit over a million engineers over the next decade to deliver the technology solutions that will drive economic growth and transform our quality of life”

“The launch of an annual UK Robotics Week is an exciting way of broadening public engagement in the beneficial impact of robotics for the future of the UK.”

Getting Young People Involved

The backers are encouraging schools all over the UK to get involved with their main events- the School Robot Challenge in which children aged from 4-17 will be able to submit artwork and essays which are based upon bio-inspired robots, and will also have the chance to design and build their very own bug robots using 3D printing and robot kits.

There will also be other events happening throughout the UK, with showcases and events where experts and competition finalists can present their robotic projects to the world.

The Robotics Week project is expected to become an annual event, getting more people involved in science, technology, engineering and maths related industries to help build the inevitable, technology-filled future of the UK.

The event is scheduled for the 25th of June to the 1st of July 2016, and we can’t wait to see some of the fantastic engineering feats that have been accomplished by some of the most talented individuals in the UK.

For all you gifted engineers out there who are looking for high quality springs for your projects, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here at European Springs Ireland. From compression springs to constant force springs we are sure that we will have a solution for you.

Contact our team today by calling 028 9083 8605 today and we will be delighted to help you find the perfect product for your needs. Remember to follow us on our Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages to keep up to date with all the goings on here at European Springs Ireland!


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